Anglické akce
Movie Night 2024
Life of Brian
Wed 18.12.2024 19:30 h school atrium
Brian Cohen (Graham Chapman) is an average young Jewish man, but through a series of ridiculous events, he gains a reputation as the Messiah. When he's not dodging his followers or being scolded by his shrill mother (Terry Jones), the hapless Brian has to contend with the pompous Pontius Pilate (Michael Palin) and acronym-obsessed members of a separatist movement. Rife with Monty Python's signature absurdity, the tale finds Brian's life paralleling Biblical lore, albeit with many more laughs.
Future Port Youth
14. listopadu 2024 Conference online (Spirála, Praha)
Názory studentů:
Last class, we watched the Future Port Youth conference, specifically a session called How we can predict the future by Samay Lakhami. He said we can’t know everything that’s going to happen, but by studying trends and using new technology, we can make smart guesses.. One fascinating topic Samay was talking about was brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). I had never heard about it, but I found it really interesting and scary at the same time. He explained how these devices connect the human brain to computers, allowing direct communication between thoughts and technology. He highlighted breakthroughs in BCIs that could revolutionize healthcare, such as helping people with paralysis regain control over their movements or even allowing us to control devices with our minds. He said that BCIs could change the way we live, work, and communicate in the future, making technology feel more like a natural part of us. Samay reminded us that predicting the future isn’t just about science and data—it’s about having a vision and the courage to shape what’s coming. Karolína M.
From a student perspective, the conference provides a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded people, gain insights from top industry leaders, and explore how technology can drive positive change. It's an excellent place for those eager to learn about cutting-edge innovations and their potential impact on future careers. Michal P.
I found the lecture really interesting, especially the part about the brain implant that can read your thoughts. I think this technology could be dangerous if it ends up in the wrong hands, but if used properly, it could do a lot of good, like helping disabled people. Natálie S.
We watched the Future Port youth lecture. For me the most interesting part of how we can predict the future was the part when he was talking about the data of the Singapore experiment. It was about data of people’s thoughts on photos. I’ve never heard of it. The whole presentation was really interesting for me and I’m glad that I watched it. Lucie P.
At first, I thought it would be boring, but after a few minutes, I found the lecture actually very interesting and also quite inspiring. If I were interested in the topic of space, this would be the perfect opportunity to get into the space area and gain some experience for the future. Unfortunately, I wasn’t interested in this topic, even though Jan Spratek (Next Space generation) did a really great job with his presentation. Adam S.
Even though we haven’t seen much because we watched just the end of the conference, I think it was very impressive and he made some interesting points. However, I don’t agree with the fact that we should invest this huge amount of money into space exploration when we have so much to explore and figure out on our planet before we start “digging” into space. Aneta M.
I liked the idea of being a cosmic architect. I find it very interesting. So if I have an opportunity I'd like to try to design a cosmic house. Magdalena H.
BEN BRADSHAW – přednáška a beseda s hercem, dramatikem a spoluzakladatelem "Cimrman English Theatre"
6. listopadu 2024 v semináři 21st cent. English Literature (prof. Hornová)
Dojmy studentů:
I think it was really great to find out our famous Jára Cimrman is being admired by other nations with so much joy. Also, the amount of work and dedication behind this is truly incredible, considering how difficult it must be to translate the Czech texts while still keeping the humour and the same meaning behind it. JUST AMAZING! (Barbora D., 4.C)
Lecture with Ben Bradshaw was a truly interesting experience. With visible passion for his work, he explained everything about the process of translating Cimrman plays from Czech to English. He shared many examples from their show to illustrate how, in some cases, they had to modify the dialogues in order to maintain the well- known jokes. He was open to answering our questions and was curious about our connections to literature and theater. (Nela H., 3.D)
I really liked that the actor had some videos prepared so we could imagine the topic he was talking about more. I was so impressed because I did not know anything about this theatre and I think it is a wonderful idea to share our culture with foreigners. The actor was really kind and I really appreciate that he came to our seminar. (Lucie P., 3.D)
Přednáška amerického diplomata Neila Phillipse
10. dubna 2024
Ve středu 10. dubna 2024 jsme přivítali na AG amerického diplomata Neila Phillipse, který ve 2 přednáškách pro maturanty hovořil o svém působení na Americké ambasádě v Praze. Přiblížil studentům, jaké jsou každodenní povinnosti diplomata, v diskusi reagoval na otázky ohledně zahraniční politiky USA, prezidentských voleb apod. Jeho asistentka paní Švejnohová přinesla informace o výměnných programech pro studenty, např. FLEX, BFT, Women2Women a Summer Work Travel.
A jak se studentům přednáška líbila...?
Tobiáš J.: It was quite interesting, I enjoyed it.
Anna K.: I loved it. I found out a lot of new things about the U.S. Embassy in Prague.
Filip N.: I am not really into politics yet I quite enjoyed his comments on the current American political situation.
Yurii K: I really enjoyed the lecture, but the best part was the discussion when we could ask Mr. Phillips any questions.
Marek P.: Despite the slow start, I found the lecture very interesting. Neil Phillips, apart from his rather quiet speech, gave a very nice impression.
Alex E.T.: Niel Philips was very kind to make time for us. I was glad to hear him honestly trying to answer my question despite not having an answer.
Movie Night 2024
The Virgin Suicides(1999)
Wed 26.6.2024 19:30 h school atrium
The film is based on the 1993 debut novel by Jeffrey Eugenides. The film follows the lives of five adolescent sisters in an upper-middle-class suburb of Detroit during 1975. Directed by Sofia Coppola.
Wed 17.4.2024 19h school atrium
A 1979 American romantic comedy-drama movie set in New York City. Director: Woody Allen.
Control (2007)
Wed 20.3.2024 19h school atrium
A profile of Ian Curtis, the enigmatic singer of Joy Division whose personal, professional, and romantic troubles led him to die by suicide at the age of 23.
Romeo + Julie
Wed 28.2.2024 19h school atrium
A 1996 romantic crime film directed, produced, and co-written by Baz Luhrmann, a modernized adaptation of William Shakespeare's tragedy. Czech subtitles by Josef Josek.
For students of all classes; Entrance fee: 30,- Kč All proceeds will be donated to the Steve Sinnot Foundation.
Main organiser: Michael Anslow (British lecturer)
Future Port Youth 23 – online
Názory studentů na některé prezentace:
Future starts today – Yesika Aguilera:
I really admired the confidence she had in talking on stage. The topic was also very well chosen because a lot of people, especially from our generation, should learn how to dream big, because that can really change the future we are going to live in. (Bory)
I enjoyed her presentation as she is an enchanting and charming person, who can pass their thoughts to the audience clearly. The topic itself was quite beneficial for me, because I tend to think big but am usually stopped by the opinions of others. I liked all of the tips Yesika has given us. I think she has a warm heart and has empathy for others. (Emma)
From Darkness to Light – Mansoor Hamayun:
I was stunned. Seeing someone who has accomplished something big but is not egoistic and actually wants others to become their best version as he did. (Eliška)
I really liked Mansoor's presentation and his speech, he talked fast and about many things, he showed how he started his company and how he continued to expand it. The video was very inspiring. (Vašek)
What´s your Moonshot – Marco Londa:
I had mixed feelings about this presentation. I liked the idea that we should pursue our goals and think about how to achieve them in order to be satisfied, but I think the topic was presented in a strange way. I also didn't really like the activities that were part of the presentation. Overall, I liked and disliked it at the same time. (Karolína)
Mr. Londa’s speech was kind of weird. It was interactive with the crowd there which is nice, but it was a little awkward to wait the 2 minutes till the crowd finished their thoughts. (Fanda)
Návštěva muzikálu A CHORUS LINE (v podání HAP PZ)
16. 10. 2023
1.–3.ročník, 16. 10. 2023, velký sál Ústřední knihovny, Praha
Výběr ze studentských recenzí:
Earlier today, I went to see an English musical performed by English students about what it's like being a performer on Broadway. The beginning of the musical was very captivating and energetic. I especially enjoyed the changes of lighting throughout the scenes. I must say however, that a play where everything goes on in one place, there is no change of scenery, clothing and so on, can tend to be a bit boring at times. Another thing I disliked was that sometimes it was very difficult to hear the actors speak or even sing. Overall however, I very much enjoyed the play and I would definitely recommend it to others.
(Júlia S., 1.B)
Although I had had very low expectations for it, the music was very good, excluding the fact that it got quite repetitive as we were progressing through the musical. However, one thing that I disliked the most was the story. I believe that I can, without any exaggeration, say there wasn't any plot at all. And this particular lack made the whole performance uninteresting for me, despite the fact that the performers, especially Mr. Janda, did a great job.
(Matěj S., 3.A)
According to me the direction and performances were well-received, and I even recognized some friends from the drama club. I enjoyed the immersive aspect of being part of the audition process. Initially unsure about the storyline, I was pleasantly surprised by the characters' growth, as they gained sympathy and humility throughout the story. In the end, it was a delightful afternoon, filled with admiration for what individuals slightly older than me could achieve in just two hours.
(Emma B., 1.B)
As a person, who's not a huge fan of musicals, I actually enjoyed this one. Musicals overall aren't really my thing and in a theater I much more prefer a comedy or something like that. But I think that this was nicely made and everyone there sang and danced really well. There were times, where I for example couldn't hear them really well or I just didn't exactly understand what they were saying because of the music, but other than that I had a great time.
(Barbora J., 1.A)
I didn't like it. I guess it's because it was a premiere and it wasn't properly rehearsed. I have to appreciate the acting which was really good. I could really see the emotions in each of the characters and what personalities they represented. Most of the time I didn't even hear what they were talking about, because there was a lack of microphones and sometimes the Czech accent was kind of distracting. The singing was contradictory for me. Sometimes it wasn't so bad, but another time it was overscreamed or out of tune. In the end, I'm going to appreciate the effort and mostly the practice in dancing, because I think that none of them were any professional dancers but all of them aced it.
(Matěj F., 3.C)
So, the first thing I am going to talk about will be that it was kind of long for my liking and I think a break would make it more digestible. My neck was hurting from constantly looking to the right so the break would be really nice, because I would have time to stretch a bit. The thing I liked the most about the theater experience was the vocals. I enjoy good harmonization. Nobody was singing off key except a couple of times but I think that was a part of the show.
(Alice H., 3.A)
So, I think, there are lots of different things and opinions that could be said about the musical. First of all, I would like to point out that I was impressed by a really good performance interpreted by such young people. Especially when some of them were from our school. I admire the way they were all singing and dancing. But to be honest, I don't think the performance had some kind of an interesting plot. In the meantime, I honestly got a bit bored. I haven't seen the movie, so I can't really compare it. But again, the performers were amazing and obviously I don't think it was their fault, not at all. I would personally rate it 6.5/10.
(Aneta M., 2.B)
AP Scholar Award – CTM
9. 10. 2023
se konal v Galerii Louvre slavnostní ceremoniál CTM - AP Scholar Award - předávání certifikátů mimořádně úspěšným studentům CTM za účasti Mgr. J. Růžičky (senátora ČR), M. Hermana (prezidenta AFCSLS a CTM) a Paula Sanderse (ředitele College Board, USA).
K oceněným studentům patří i Daniela Balážová ze 4.A, která zvládla při studiu na AG absolvovat 3 kurzy a zkoušky AP (Advanced Placement). Srdečně blahopřejeme!
Movie Nights 2021–2023
V atriu Akademického gymnázia se každý měsíc odehrává Movie Night s britským lektorem – profesor Mike Anslow organizuje pro studenty podvečer s filmem v anglickém znění.
Zájemci ze všech ročníků jsou srdečně vítáni.
Future Port Youth
10. 11. 2022
Evropská online konference v anglickém jazyce pro střední a vysoké školy se zaměřením na rozvoj studentů v oblastech inovací, digitalizace a dovedností pro 21. století. Akce představila pozitivní vizi budoucnosti a možnosti, jak ji mohou mladí lidé spoluvytvářet.
Z ohlasů studentů 4. ročníku:
Nina A.: From all of the presentations I enjoyed the future of energy by Arash Aazami the most, even though I initially thought that I would like the future of art and design more. He was radiating a very good and calm energy and he seemed to be confident. The host, Tilly Lockey, was so sweet and such an amazing person. I also really loved her presentation about bionic fashion, I thought it was very cool and helpful.
Emma B.: I really enjoyed it, I think it was done really well, it was structured, it wasn’t messy or confusing whatsoever, some speakers were a little “meh”, but that’s also closely connected to the topics they talked about, so maybe I would’ve enjoyed it more if I was more interested in those topics. Personally, the guy from Blue Origin (US) was my favorite, I wish he could’ve talked more :) Overall, the entire thing was great, I would definitely recommend it to everyone (who’s interested in those kinds of topics at least a tiny bit).
Lucie E.: LI was quite surprised by the conference, because I expected it to be less organized, so I was surprised in a good way. I was there for three topics, which were Future of Energy, Future of Space and Future of Art and Design. I don't know which I liked more, because all of them were great, but I really enjoyed a presentation from Arash Aazami, who talked about energy and rights to have it, Gary Lai, who talked about the future of space travelling, and from Tilly Lockey, who talked about her bionic arms and fashion in this field. Another thing that I really enjoyed was designing our own art made by AI. :)
Viktorie K.: Personally, I enjoyed the talk of mediator and zen master Diane Musho Hamilton. I think having her at the end of the conference was a really fitting finale. It reminded us of not only cultivating scientific fields but our relationships with each other as well. It was a very grounding experience. We should not forget to listen and respect each other. Her speech had such a positive vibe yet it was also calming. Furthermore, I liked the interactive aspects of the event, especially when we could give them our feedback.
Helena K.: In my opinion, all presentations I’ve seen had interesting themes although some of the people sounded quite unsure because of speaking in English. I’d say that ‘Sustaining the future’ was the best one but Tilly Lockey’s speech was incredible as well.