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Akademické gymnáziuma Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky,školy hlavního města Prahy

Other languages


There is conversational German as an optional subject in the 1st and 2nd years; in the 3rd and 4th years, students may increase the set number of German classes by a further 2 hours by selecting from the current offer of academic German seminars.
We have been cooperating with the following partnering schools on language exchange stays: Theodor Heuss Gymnasium, Freiburg, Wirtschafts Gymnasium, Hamburg (Germany), Pestalozzi Gymnasium, Graz, (Austria).


There is a native speaker available in classes ´type F´ with extended French tuition. Students in their 3rd and 4th years may choose academic seminars in French. The target level in French should lead to the B1 – B2 level of the European Framework of Languages (i.e. the higher level of the state leaving exam).
We cooperate closely with the French Institute located opposite the school. Language-exchange stays with the following partnering schools have proved benecial: Lycée Emilie de Breteuil, Montigny, Lycée Alphonse Daudet, Nimes (France).


Spanish is taught from the 1st year in forms of ´type P´ and ´S, four hours per week; the 2nd and 3rd year, three hours per week. Upon completion of study, the B1 level, corresponding to the state leaving exams requirements is expected.


Students can take an academic seminar in Russian in their 3rd and 4th years.


There are compulsory classes of Latin in the 1st and 2nd years in forms focused on the Social Sciences (type S) and in forms focused on French (type F) – two classes per week. Students can continue in their 3rd and 4th years by choosing an academic subject. The school also oers Latin for students focused in science (type P) as an optional subject, and for those interested in studying medicine also Latin focused on medicine. A specic form of study is also drama class in Latin and the preparation for Latin Olympics – Certamen Latinum. Classic Greek is also an optional subject.